About Me

Education: The Pennsylvania State University: University Park, BS in Astrophysics with a minor in Philosophy

Research Interests: Astronomy: Understanding the Seeding Mechanisms of Supermassive Black Holes

Publications: Include ADS link!


Seeding Supermassive Blackholes: The AGN Galaxy Occupation Fraction
The active galactic nucleus (AGN) occupation fraction as a function of galaxy mass can be used to discern models for the seeding mechanism of supermassive black holes. We compute the AGN occupation fraction using over 1 million galaxies in the combined Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS), the XMM Large Scale Structure Survey (XMM-LSS), and Elais-S1 (ES1) extragalactic fields. AGN fraction and galaxy masses were determined from the SED fitting published for the LSST Deep-Drilling Fields. We present our preliminary results for AGN selected via the SED fits, X-ray and mid-IR color selection and discuss their implications on supermassive black hole seeds.

Project II Title

Photo Creds: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/Jeremy Schnittman, 2020


Teaching: General Physics 2048L, General Physics 2049L, General Physics Lecture 2048

Outreach:Undergraduate Research Showcase Judge I assisted judging undergraduate students presenting their research during the Black in Astro Space Week

Equity & Inclusion: Onaketa Tutor I am currently a mid-level online math tutor as well as a mentor to students of color.